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Germany: Carnival float catches fire in Kehl, 5 injured

February 4, 2024

Several people who were riding on the float had to leap off the structure to escape the flames. Police are investigating what caused the blaze.

A carnival float engulfed in flames
Image: Marco Dürr/Einsatzreport24/dpa/picture alliance

German police said at least five people were injured on Sunday when a carnival float at a parade in the country's southwest burst into flames.

The incident happened at 3 p.m. local time (1400 GMT) in the city of Kehl, near the border with France.

Tens of thousands of people had gathered to watch the parade to mark Fastnacht, the local name for carnival celebrations, when the float caught fire.

Several people who were aboard the float had to jump to the ground to avoid the flames.

Police said one person suffered serious burns and had to be taken to hospital in a helicopter.

The fire was soon extinguished by firefighters and the rest of the parade was called off.

Police said they were investigating the cause of the fire.

Carnival is celebrated in the more Catholic parts of Germany and culminates in a week of parades and parties before Ash Wednesday in February, after which the 40-day Lent fasting season begins.

nm/jcg (AP, dpa)

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